Ruiwei's View

Self-Awareness, the Starting Point of All Training Development




a successful leader, including professionals, must first understand themselves. Then he/she can try to understand others. Leadership development requires a sense of self-concern. Everyone should first see their strengths and weaknesses in leadership before starting to improve their leadership.

get to know themselves, leaders will begin to consider their cooperation with other members of the team. At this time, the leader learns the advantages, added value and potential blind spots that he can give the team.

on this basis, leaders can also find out how to better manage themselves, manage others, lead a team, and even lead an organization. For example, if you show such characteristics, you may have more potential in copywriting: introverted, conservative and persistent; If you are in the opposite situation (extroverted, innovative and flexible), you may need to overcome more difficulties than others to do better in copywriting.

This self-discovery process is usually implemented through evaluation tools such as personality trait analysis and 360-degree multi-directional testing. The tests will be completed online.

Evaluation Tools
Big Five in the Workplace: A measurement tool that can predict how you will perform under the influence of 5 first-level personality traits and 23 second-level personality traits. Developed by the American Center for Applied Cognition of Psychology in 1993, the WorkPlace Big Five ProFile version 4.0 is an advanced personality trait assessment tool developed based on the Big Five personality model. Those busy managers find it very easy to finish 107 questions quickly in 10-15 minutes. Moreover, the reliability of this set of evaluation tools can reach 0.83, which is the highest among the evaluation tools.

WorkPlace the main principles and foundations of Big Five ProFile 4.0 (Workplace Big Five)

world-renowned leadership organization is based on the evaluation results of the top five in the workplace to help learners better understand themselves and others, so as to better promote communication and improve team performance.

Self-Cognition Workshop
Through self-recognition workshops, we can achieve the following goals:
Understand the big five theory and various characteristics
· Through in-depth interpretation of the evaluation results, help students understand themselves from multiple levels (personality, behavior, ability), and from multiple angles (self-opposition
Province, group interaction) to promote self-awareness, know their own advantages and disadvantages
Learn how to effectively communicate with different people, influence them, and prompt team performance
• To lay the foundation for a more detailed and in-depth personal development plan

items include the following content units:
• Understanding personality traits
Know yourself
• Case discussions
· Trait application analysis
• Realizing your potential
Practice and coaching
For more information on this topic, please contact Ruiwei consultant:


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