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Employee Survey (Engagement Survey)

, through specially customized survey projects focusing on organizational attitudes, we help our customers better understand the current situation of the organization and talents, better attract and retain talents, motivate employees and improve employee engagement, improve operational efficiency, manage changes more effectively, and improve customer loyalty.

our approach makes it easier for employees to participate in surveys, makes it easier for customers to understand survey results, and can quickly reveal existing advantages and potential opportunities for improvement. to make more targeted improvements.

Employee Engagement Survey
Employee satisfaction (generally including job responsibilities, management, environment, salary and benefits, career development, etc.) can be regarded as the company's input to employees, and engagement can be regarded as the employee's output to the company. Observing the change of input and output Relationship is an important criterion for testing the health of an enterprise. In general, the upward and downward trends in satisfaction and engagement are consistent. Once the employee's engagement and satisfaction are close or even lower than the satisfaction, it indicates that changes are taking place within the enterprise, which is often a precursor to the decline of the enterprise.

employee engagement is a comprehensive assessment of the feelings and efforts that employees put into their work. Ruiwei Consulting Research shows that satisfied employees are not necessarily dedicated. The key to balance is how to make them dedicated to work under the premise of employee satisfaction. Through the investigation of enterprise employees, the employee's engagement and satisfaction status quo are quantified and introduced into the Ruiwei engagement driving force model for calculation, to find the relationship between employee satisfaction and engagement, and further provide effective decision-making support for enterprise management, To help enterprises achieve a balance between the two.

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